Wednesday 4 August 2010

Clinique update

A few weeks back I told you about being accepted to the Clinique ambassador programme,and starting a 2 week trial of their 3 step system. (see post here) Many thanks to those you that signed up to the site using my ambassador code, I am now a full ambassador,  and as I was one of the first 200 to complete all the steps, I will be getting a full size set of the 3 step. So, what did I think?
Well, I think its ok. Yeah, just ok, nothing amazing, and certainly not amazing for the retail price of £42 for the full sized set. Sometimes I think my skin is looking good,but at other times it feels a bit greasy,and I am still getting breakouts, although this is pretty normal for me. So while it might not be making breakouts worse, it isn't stopping them, which is what I really want from a skincare routine. I still don't like using a facial soap at night, so might go back to using my normal cleanser at night.

Its still only been a few weeks, so I will keep on using it for a while longer. I still have a good amount left of the original sample set I was sent, and soon should have my full sized set.

I look forward to hearing how everyone gets on with the free samples from the site. You can still sign up at, and can use my code FR27330229 if you wish. This site is UK onlyBlogger Templates
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  1. well im totally biased because ive been using clinique since i was 16 , its one of the only things ill spend a reasonable amount of money on .. but my skin is really really good. I pretty much never get spots and its clear. I used cheaper brands when i was younger and ive tried other brands including lush toners/moisturizers but i always go back to clinique. They have me hook line and sinker.
    Let me know how you get on in the comping weeks X
    Oh P.S.. did they send you the solid soap? Because i never use the liquid soap , ive had trial sizes but i like the bar better and i think its better value X

  2. Yeah its the liquid I got. Maybe I'd get on better with the bar. I am going to keep with it, fingers crossed I het great skin!

  3. Oh congrats, that sounds like fun. I use the Clinique face wash and toner (and sometimes the moisturiser but it's not a favourite). They work well for me. I started when I was a teenager and having problems with my skin... and Clinique helped clear that up. So now I'm a believer and I've tried other things but I always come back to the toner! I'm your newest follower! Look forward to reading more!



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