Monday, 7 November 2011

An evening with ROX and Shaun Leane

I was lucky enough to be invited to an event at ROX in the Argyle Arcade, Glasgow, a couple of weeks ago. It was an Audience with Shaun Leane, who  I will admit I had never heard of, but now know he is a very talented jeweller who worked with Alexander McQueen, as well as many others.

 Nicola from Magic's in the make up, with her friend Lynsey, Me and my friend Laura

The event was held in the ROX thrill room, which is above the Argyle Arcade store.

The thrill room was amazing, with comfy chairs, bar, and an ornate ceiling. I think this is where couples are taken when they come in to choose wedding and engagement rings.

It even had this huge chandelier.

I was able to take a friend with me, so I took one of my besties, Laura.

The evening included a question and answer session with Shaun Leane, hosted by Queen Michelle of Kingdom of Style. Shaun talked about the inspirations for his collections, as well as his work with Alexander McQueen, and a recent project where he constructed a diamond glove.

Some of Shaun's collections were on display, including the one off brooch he made for Sarah Jessica Parker in 2006.

Alot of the designs are quite edgy, with sharp lines and spikes, and large pieces. I prefer quite delicate and understated jewellery, and my favourite collection was the beautiful Cherry Blossom one.

This ring in particular took my fancy! Its simple, girly, and so pretty. The one on display on the night was cream enamel with a diamond, but I prefer this pink version. Luckily, its also cheaper. I have been trying to drop hints to my boyfriend, but I think its fallen on deaf ears.

My other pick from the collections would be this Hook my Heart ring. During the Q&A, Shaun spoke about this, and how it is deeply romantic, if you think about actually hooking someone's heart. I would love for this ring to be adorning my finger!

There were also alot  of items from the ROX collections on show, and there were some lovely pieces. ROX sell a great range of jewellery, from mega expensive diamond engagement rings, to really affordable silver pieces. You can browse these in one of the Scottish ROX stores, or on their website. It would be an ideal place to get Christmas gifts for friends and family. Unfortunately my jobless state means that people will be getting homemade jewellery from me, or maybe used nail polish!

What Shaun Leane pieces do you like?

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun event, thanks for the pictures.:D

    I like the second ring.:D

    ***** Marie *****
    Giveaway: Shabby Apple Da Vinci Dress



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