Tuesday, 25 January 2011

New favourite thing- Nail Wheels

Aren't they beautiful? Having seen nail wheels on a few blogs (this seems to be a recurring theme, this is why blogging is bad for your bank balance), I wanted some so I could see my collection better. I was chatting to Paige from Nailsaholic (check out her amazing nail art on her blog) on twitter about them, and she recommended this ebay seller. I think I had seen them from that seller before, but as they are Hong Kong based, I was a bit hesitant to order from them. When Paige said hers came fine and were good, I went for it. To be fair, they only cost £1.99 for 10, so it wasn't much of a risk. Anyway, I needn't have worried, as they arrived in about 14 days, all safely packaged. I got the white ones, as they were a bit cheaper, and I wasn't sure if those or clear were better. The white ones seem fine.

So I set about putting all of my collection onto the wheels. Now, this process shouldn't be taken lightly, as there are many important decisions to be made. How do I group the polishes? By brand, by colour, by some other crazy system? I started with the pinks wheel first, and just put all my pinks and reds around the wheel in a random fashion. Then, I tweeted about doing my nail wheels, and Kelly from Jellyminx thinks said she was doing the same. She said she was ordering them by colour, from lightest to darkest. So, I tried to do this with the lilacy blue one, and it worked out ok. I then have a third one which is all the other colours, and the glitters. I have one space left on this to fill, which will probably be the last Diet Coke Nails inc polish. I started numbering the first wheel, but I need to get a better pen for this. I wrote lists of the polish order for each wheel, as some of them are quite similar.

I would recommend getting yourself some nail wheels, as it is lots of fun painting them, although that could just be for me, and it lets you see clearly what colours you have. This will be helpful when choosing what colour to wear, and shows you which ones you don't need to buy any more of. Clearly I need no more pinks, reds, or lilacs. I honestly had no idea I had so many similar shades. They are all slightly different however. Over the next few months I will take lots of photos and show you my collection.

Do you have some nail wheels? Or do you have another way of testing and showing your collection?


  1. Ah I wanted one of these really badly, thanks for the link and really cool post :)

  2. I literally just finished my last wheel today! I need to order some more because I bought more polishes lol! Oh, I got a Sharpie and that wrote really well on the plastic and didn't smudge so it may be worthwhile grabbing one :) Think it was a couple of quid in Smiths. Loving all your pretty colours :)

    Kelly x

  3. I don't have nail wheels but I want them now!

  4. @MakeYuUp Yeah, I wanted them for while, but wasn't sure of the best place to get them. That seller was great though.

    @Kelly Ha, I am only on my fourth one! I got some sharpies today though, thanks!

    @Laura You should get some! They are cheap, and its fun to put all your polishes on!

    Anna x



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