Thursday, 30 September 2010

September In's and Out's

Once again, it has been ages since I last posted. Being back at uni has been a bit of a shock to the system. As I have just gone into my 4th year, I have been starting my dissertation, which has been a bit stressful. I am doing eczema (my degree is in nursing), and I thought I had it all planned, but then had a supervisor meeting today, and she wants it all different! I am just hoping its all worth it in the end.

Anyway, instead of a monthly favourites post, I thought I would do some In's and Out's.


My best friend having a little baby boy yesterday! He was 7lb 10oz, and so cute. He doesn't have a name yet, but hopefully will when I see him tomorrow. I went to visit him when he was just 12 hours old, and got a wee cuddle. I took him his first teddy bear, he is going to get spoilt by his Auntie Anna!

I won a giveaway on Who is she? I was so excited to win, and got LOADS of goodies! I will do a post very soon with my prizes. The lovely Rach is having another giveaway, which you can enter here.

Celebrating a year of being with my lovely boyfriend, Chris. The year as flown by, and I am still as head over heels for him! We have known each other for over 8 years, and its still a bit strange that we are now a couple, but very good strange. Awwww!

Watching trashy TV. Don't tell the bride, Four weddings, Underage and pregnant,Snog marry avoid, X factor, love them all!

Getting 20 pens for a fiver today! Not rubbish ones either, highlighters, propelling pencils, and inky ball points. I love stationary almost as much as I love make up!


Getting up early for uni. I am really not a morning person! I realise this doesn't really bode well for my chosen career, but weirdly, I am fine getting up at 6.30 am for a 12 hour shift, but getting into uni for 9.30 kills me! I do also love night shift though!

Missing afore mentioned awesome boyfriend. He lives 80 miles away, so we only get to see each other at weekends, at lately its only been every few weeks, due to us both having stuff on. I just wish sometimes he was there for a hug when I need one. My plan is to move up there when I graduate, as I used to live the same city before, so know it and have friends up there. Fingers crossed.

Being skint. This is my second degree, and I am so bored of being a skint student. I just want some guilt free shopping. Soon, soon!

All in all though, its been a good month. I am now looking forward to getting into the winter woolies, and making a pumpkin costume for the new baby!

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  1. I love reality tv. All of the shows you mentioned sound like my cup of tea

  2. Ha, me too! A few of those shows have US versions too, which I assume you can get in Canada if we get them here too? I know there is four weddings, and 16 and pregnant is similar to underage and pregnant. I saw Teen Mom the otherday, I think its a follow up to 16 and pregnant.

    I love real life hospital shows too, I guess due to being a student nurse. Maybe one day, I can be on one!


  3. When u said about not being an early person, i find that's so similar to me. Great post!




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