Thursday, 2 September 2010

NOTD Barry M Blueberry Icecream, and a wee bonus!

I am pleased to say, I still haven't bitten my nails! I have had a few breakages, which is a bit gutting. I have also trimmed a couple to try and make them all a more uniform shape. I don't know if my nails are weak, and thats why they are breaking, or if I am just catching them on things. Ah well!I am still loving the Barry M ice cream shades, and here is another one for you, blueberry-

Its actually a little less bright than this in real life, more like the shade of the bottle in the picture, not the nails! It applied easily, and this is with 2 coats and a topcoat. It lasted well for 2 days, but then I went camping and did some gardening, and that was it! 

I have another quick NOTD, which is a bit too rubbish for its own post, but I thought i'd add it as a wee bonus!

This is Barry M Pink Iridescent. I was going for a night out the other week, and didn't have enough time to do a proper colour, as i'm so clumsy at doing my nails still. I didn't want to go out with 'naked' nails, so I did a couple of quick coats of this glittery number. Its light, so fairly forgiving of mistakes. It does feel grainy to the touch, even after a topcoat. There was a slight pink tinge to it, but mostly its silvery glitter. I mainly bought this to use over other polishes, so will try that soon. I have to say though, it was a nightmare to get off!

Do you have any favourite Barry M polishes?

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  1. love both shades!my nails are weak at the moment too,they seem to be flaking off alot which is so irritating as i'm trying to grow it back!:/,lovely colours though,i do love the coral nail polish by barry m:)<3

  2. love the blue blueberry colour!! it looks so nice on your nails =) my favourite at the moment is mint green by barry m. have also seen some good reviews of the mushroom colour n think that might be my next purchase =) x

  3. @irene Ooh, I'm not sure I've seen the coral one, might have to check that out.

    @Eyelining thanks, I am determined! Its just a bit disheartening when one breaks, but I will keep going.

    @starsglittermagic Ha, I have both of them! Not used either yet actually, so they may come up soon! Noticed today there is 3for2 on all Barry M in Superdrug just now, so might be a good time!

    Anna x

  4. Your nails are starting to look really good! :) I love the ice cream shades...and they're on 3 for 2? Hmmmm! *runs off to Superdrug* lol

    One thing I couldn't recommend enough is OPI Nail Envy!! It is AMAZING!!! It's quite expensive in Boots (£18!!) but you can pick it up on eBay for around £10! My nails were horrific and were constantly breaking but now they're that strong they feel amost like false nails! I'm really gushing over this stuff but it really is fab! :)

  5. Sadly, we don't have Barry M here in the US!;C

    ***** Marie *****

  6. Your nails looks really good, congrats on the growing of said nails! Great colour too x

  7. Hey- following as promised :)

    Fav barry m- ooo pink flamingo, baby pink, mushroom, and their blue which i cant think of the name but i call it m+m blue lol. Used to love their coral, but its nothing compared to models own.

    Rach xxxxxxx



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